A Sense of Style – Home

You can also bring this sense of style to your home.  Walk into a room – and look at it as though you are seeing it for the first time.  Is it pleasing, welcoming, messy?  We get so used to what’s in our homes that we don’t notice anything anymore.
Just recently, I was sitting at my dining room table in a different chair that faced the kitchen.  I suddenly noticed the rows of wine bottles  ( a few months supply!) along the wall against the cupboard.  I had been collecting them to take to the recycle bin.  It looked so cluttered! I immediately got up and removed them onto the back verandah.  It looked so much better.

Take the time. Stand at the door of your lounge and let your eye rest on each item.  That painting?  Would it look better on the opposite wall where the light would give it new life? Could the chairs be rearranged to create a better flow into the room? Do the colours look good together?  I once painted the whole lounge red.  Right up to the picture rails.  It was a big lounge!  Everyone thought the idea crazy.  After the deed was done though, all agreed it looked great and gave a lovely cozy feeling to the huge lounge.

Think about it. A bright lime green or red chair could do wonders.  If that seems too bold a step, add some bright cushions.   After all, you want your home to be a place of peace and joy.  Let it be a sanctuary that you are happy to return to, an escape from the busy world outside.  It doesn’t take much effort and the result is definitely worth it.

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Studio Open Hours

Monday - Tuesday (studio closed due to private students)

Wednesday: 9 am - 12pm (at Bernina - 39 Chief Albert Luthuli St, Pietermaritzburg, 3201) 

Thursday - Saturday: 9 am - 12 pm (or by appointment) 

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